虚拟机无法使用内置应用程序_如何使用Windows 10的内置照片应用程序

水深无声 2021-07-26 15:25 497阅读 0赞




As a fairly versatile operating system, Windows has always had ways of browsing and viewing photos. But with Windows 10, Microsoft decided to try and mash browsing, organizing, and viewing all together in one application, with some basic editing to boot. The result, the innocuously-titles “Photos” app, can be less than intuitive.

作为一种相当通用的操作系统,Windows一直具有浏览和查看照片的方法。 但是对于Windows 10,Microsoft决定尝试在一个应用程序中合并浏览,组织和查看所有内容,并进行一些基本编辑。 结果是,标题纯净的“照片”应用可能不够直观。

Here are all the different things you can do with the Photos app… assuming you want to.


启动照片并设置默认值 (Starting Photos and Setting Defaults)

Starting up the Photos app is pretty simple: for most new machines and fresh installations of Windows 10, it’s already in the Start menu as a big tile. Even if it’s not, just press “Start” and then begin typing “photos” to bring it up quickly via search.

``照片’’应用程序的启动非常简单:对于大多数新机器和Windows 10的全新安装,它已经在``开始’’菜单中作为一个大磁贴。 即使不是,也只需按“开始”,然后开始输入“照片”即可通过搜索快速将其调出。


The Photos app is already set up as the default image viewer in Windows 10. If something else has taken over those duties, it’s easy to reset the status quo: press the “Start” button, type “default,” then click the first search result, “Default app settings.” Under “Photo viewer,” click the “Photos” icon.

“照片”应用已被设置为Windows 10中的默认图像查看器。如果已由其他职责取代,可以很容易地重置状态:按“开始”按钮,键入“默认”,然后单击第一个搜索结果为“默认应用设置”。 在“照片查看器”下,单击“照片”图标。


浏览照片 (Browsing Photos)

The Photos app offers three different interfaces when looking for photos: Collection, Album, and Folders. You can choose any of the three at any time by clicking the relevant tab, above the main interface and below the “Photos” application label.

在查找照片时,“照片”应用程序提供三种不同的界面:“收藏”,“相册”和“文件夹”。 您可以随时通过单击主界面上方和“照片”应用程序标签下方的相关选项卡来选择三个选项中的任何一个。


“Collection” is a view of your most recent photos and screenshots, displayed in reverse order by date. “Albums” is a series of automatically-created photo albums, organized according to the Photo app’s internal logic, though you can add your own and remove or add photos to existing albums.

“收藏夹”是您最近的照片和屏幕截图的视图,按日期反向显示。 “相册”是根据Photo应用程序的内部逻辑组织的一系列自动创建的相册,尽管您可以添加自己的相册,也可以将照片删除或添加到现有相册。


And “Folders” is merely a tab for all of the photos on your machine in specific folders—your OneDrive photo folder and your assigned “Pictures” folder in Windows, by default. To add folders to this view, click “Choose where to look” to go to the Photos Settings page, then click “Add a folder” to manually select one in Windows Explorer.

而且,“文件夹”仅是计算机上特定文件夹中所有照片的选项卡-默认情况下,您的OneDrive照片文件夹和Windows中分配的“图片”文件夹。 要将文件夹添加到此视图,请单击“选择要查找的位置”以转到“照片设置”页面,然后单击“添加文件夹”以在Windows资源管理器中手动选择一个文件夹。


Within the main viewer of “Collection,” and in the nested album or photo viewers of the other tabs, a series of controls appear on the upper-right portion of the interface. These allow you to select multiple items for a specific action like copying, printing, or adding to a specific album, or to start a slideshow, refresh the current file view, or import from a camera or mobile device. Contextual items in the Album view allow you to edit the name of the album or change the cover photo.

在“收藏夹”的主查看器中,以及在嵌套的相册或其他选项卡的照片查看器中,一系列控件出现在界面的右上部分。 这些选项使您可以为一项特定操作选择多个项目,例如复制,打印或添加到特定相册,或者开始幻灯片演示,刷新当前文件视图或从相机或移动设备导入。 “相册”视图中的上下文项允许您编辑相册的名称或更改封面照片。

To navigate backwards through the Photos interface, click the left-pointing arrow in very top upper-left of the window, or press the Esc or Backspace keys at any time.


使用照片查看器界面 (Using the Photo Viewer Interface)

When you finally get down to an individual photo, the interface goes completely black and dedicates the maximum length or width of the window. If you’re using mouse navigation, scrolling up or down will advance or retreat in the current collection, album, or folder. Hold down the “Ctrl” button on your keyboard to turn the mouse wheel into zoom or retract controls.

当您最终查看单张照片时,界面将完全变黑,并指定窗口的最大长度或宽度。 如果您使用鼠标导航,则向上或向下滚动将在当前收藏夹,相册或文件夹中前进或后退。 按住键盘上的“ Ctrl”按钮,将鼠标滚轮变成缩放或缩回控件。


On the bottom of the interface, manual arrow controls to go forward or back in the album are on either side of an “add to album” button and a Delete button. You can use the keyboard for both actions: Ctrl+D to add it to a specific album via a pop-up menu, or simply press the Delete button. If you press “Delete” again, the image will be removed both from the album/collection/folder in the Photos app, and the file itself will be deleted in Windows Explorer and sent to the Recycling Bin. Tread carefully.

在界面的底部,在相册中前进或后退的手动箭头控件位于“添加到相册”按钮和“删除”按钮的两侧。 您可以使用键盘来执行以下两项操作:Ctrl + D通过弹出菜单将其添加到特定相册,或直接按Delete键。 如果再次按“删除”,则图像将从“照片”应用程序中的相册/收藏夹/文件夹中删除,并且文件本身将在Windows资源管理器中删除并发送到回收站。 小心踩一下。


The top controls are labelled, and fairly self-explanatory. The “Share” button will open Windows 10’s share menu, allowing the user to send the file via email, copy it via Windows’ standard copy and paste function, or open and share it directly in any compatible Windows Store app. Zoom opens a manual slider to zoom in and out—remember that you can do this much faster by holding the Ctrl button and using the mouse wheel. “Slideshow” will begin a full-screen slideshow of the current album, collection, or folder.

顶部控件带有标签,并且很容易解释。 “共享”按钮将打开Windows 10的共享菜单,允许用户通过电子邮件发送文件,通过Windows的标准复制和粘贴功能复制文件,或直接在任何兼容的Windows Store应用程序中打开和共享文件。 缩放会打开一个手动滑块来放大和缩小-请记住,按住Ctrl键并使用鼠标滚轮可以更快地完成此操作。 “幻灯片放映”将开始对当前专辑,专辑或文件夹进行全屏幻灯片放映。


The “Draw” command allows you to write on the image, with a selection of pen and eraser tools that appear contextually. It’s mainly intended for pen-enabled devices like the Microsoft Surface. You can double-click on any of the tools in the upper bar to select color and width. Note that the drawings can be erased with the Eraser tool, but after you click “save” (the floppy disk icon) and see the “Letting your Ink Dry,” the original file for this photo is saved over. Don’t click “save” on a photo unless you have it backed up somewhere, or you’re willing to lose the original.

“绘图”命令允许您在图像上进行书写,并选择上下文显示的钢笔和橡皮擦工具。 它主要用于Microsoft Surface等支持笔的设备。 您可以双击上方栏中的任何工具来选择颜色和宽度。 请注意,可以使用“橡皮擦”工具擦除图形,但是在单击“保存”(软盘图标)并看到“使墨水变干”后,此照片的原始文件被保存。 除非将照片备份到某处,否则不要单击照片上的“保存”,否则您将丢失原始照片。


“Edit” opens the photo editor, which we’ll cover in the next section. “Rotate” will rotate the image clockwise; if you hit it by accident, just click it again three more times to return the photo to its original orientation. At any time you can right-click on the image itself to open up most of these items in a menu.

“编辑”打开照片编辑器,我们将在下一部分中介绍。 “旋转”将使图像顺时针旋转; 如果您不小心碰到它,只需再单击三下一次,即可将照片恢复为原始方向。 您随时可以右键单击图像本身,以在菜单中打开大多数这些项目。

使用内置的照片编辑器 (Using the Built-In Photo Editor)

The editor in Photos isn’t exactly incredible, but it can handle some light cropping and adjusting if nothing else is available. On the main interface, using the + and – buttons will zoom in and out, which can also be done with the mouse wheel (no Ctrl button necessary). Click and drag any part of the image to move it around, or click the “Actual size” button (the box with corners in the lower-right) to see the whole photo maximized horizontally or vertically.

“照片”中的编辑器并非完全令人难以置信,但是如果没有其他可用的工具,它可以处理一些轻度裁剪和调整。 在主界面上,使用+和–按钮将放大和缩小,这也可以通过鼠标滚轮完成(无需Ctrl按钮)。 单击并拖动图像的任何部分以使其移动,或单击“实际大小”按钮(右下角带有角的框)以查看整个照片的水平或垂直最大化。

裁剪和旋转工具 (The Crop and Rotate Tool)


The “Crop and rotate” button is the most prominent tool, as it’s visible at all times. Click it to open a dedicated cropping UI. You can click and drag the circles on the corner to manually select a cropping box, or click the “Aspect ratio” button to choose a standard size. This is quite useful if you want your image to be viewed on semi-standardized devices, like a smartphone or TV (16:9), iPad (4:3), or a corporate projector (usually 4:3 as well). The “Flip” button will flip the image horizontally, but not vertically, and the “Rotate” button will spin it clockwise by 90 degrees. To get a non-square rotation, click the circle beside the right-hand menu and slide it up or down. When you’re finished, click “Done” to return to the full Edit interface.

“裁剪和旋转”按钮是最突出的工具,因为它始终可见。 单击它以打开专用的裁剪UI。 您可以单击并拖动角落的圆圈以手动选择裁剪框,也可以单击“纵横比”按钮选择标准尺寸。 如果您希望在半标准设备上观看图像,例如智能手机或电视(16:9),iPad(4:3)或公司投影仪(通常也是4:3),这将非常有用。 “翻转”按钮将水平而不是垂直翻转图像,“旋转”按钮将使其顺时针旋转90度。 要获得非正方形旋转,请单击右侧菜单旁边的圆圈并将其向上或向下滑动。 完成后,单击“完成”以返回完整的“编辑”界面。

增强选项卡 (The Enhance Tab)


Right below the Crop button are two tabs, “Enhance” and “Adjust.” Let’s look at Enhance first. The “Enhance your photo” tool is an all-in-one slider: click and drag the slider from left to right to apply automatically-selected filters to “enhance” the image, according to the Photo app. You can stop it at any point along the axis. Generally this tool brightens up an image, smooths out shadows and highlights, makes a more ideal contrast, and just generally makes things look clearer.

在“裁剪”按钮的正下方有两个选项卡,“增强”和“调整”。 让我们先来看增强。 “增强照片”工具是一个多合一的滑块:根据Photo应用程序,单击并从左向右拖动滑块以应用自动选择的滤镜以“增强”图像。 您可以在沿轴的任何位置停止它。 通常,此工具可以使图像变亮,使阴影和高光平滑,使对比度更加理想,并且通常使事物看起来更清晰。


The rest of the “filters” on the Enhance tab work the same way: click one of the filters, then click the slider beneath “Enhance your photo” to apply the effect, with a left-to-right strength of 0 to 100. You can apply multiple effects by clicking on a new one and then adjusting the slider—rinse and repeat. When you’re done, click the “Adjust” tab.

“增强”选项卡上的其余“滤镜”的工作方式相同:单击其中一个滤镜,然后单击“增强照片”下方的滑块以应用效果,其左右强度为0到100。您可以通过单击一个新效果然后调整滑块(漂洗和重复)来应用多种效果。 完成后,点击“调整”标签。

调整标签 (The Adjust Tab)

The controls for this page are fairly similar, but you can adjust multiple factor at once. The “Light” sliders adjust the contrast, exposure, highlights, and shadows of the image, with the master “Light” slider being a combination of all four. The “Color” slider handles saturation, with 0 reducing the image to greyscale and 100 making it overly vibrant. More fine controls can be applied with the Tint and Warmth sliders.

此页面的控件非常相似,但是您可以一次调整多个因子。 “ Light”滑块可调整图像的对比度,曝光度,高光和阴影,而主“ Light”滑块则是这四个滑块的组合。 “颜色”滑块可处理饱和度,将0降低图像为灰度,将100降低为鲜艳。 可以使用“色调”和“温暖”滑块应用更多精细控件。


The separate “Clarity” slider will outline specific edges with darkened shadows or blend them into the background, and the “Vignette” slider will add a white (left) or black (right) vignette effect to the photo.



Finally, the Red Eye tool will let you click on a subject’s eyes to remove the red glare from a camera flash, and the “Spot Fix” tool will let you click and drag around a specific area to obscure fine details. It’s good removing acne and other blemishes.

最后,“红眼”工具可让您单击对象的眼睛以消除照相机闪光灯中的红色眩光,而“单点修复”工具可让您单击并在特定区域周围拖动以遮盖细节。 去除粉刺和其他瑕疵非常好。

保存编辑 (Saving Your Edits)

When you’ve edited your image to your liking, you have two options: “Save” will overwrite the original image file (not recommended), or “Save a copy” will let you save the edited version to a folder in Windows Explorer. The second is obviously better, unless you’re absolutely sure you don’t want the original. At any time during editing, you can click “Undo all” to return to the original image and start over.

根据您的喜好编辑图像后,您有两个选择:“保存”将覆盖原始图像文件(不推荐),或“保存副本”将您将编辑后的版本保存到Windows资源管理器中的文件夹中。 第二个显然更好,除非您完全确定不想要原始图。 在编辑过程中,您可以随时单击“全部撤消”以返回原始图像并重新开始。

It’s no Photoshop, but it’ll get a simple crop or adjustment done in a pinch.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320942/how-to-use-windows-10s-built-in-photos-app/



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