Multiple monitors are awesome. They really are—ask anyone who’s used a two- or three-screen setup for their desktop, and they’ll tell you that they have a hard time going back to just one. Laptops have a built-in advantage here, since they have one screen: to boost productivity, just add a monitor.
多台显示器很棒 。 他们真的是–询问在桌面上使用两屏或三屏设置的任何人,他们会告诉您他们很难回到原来的状态。 笔记本电脑具有一个屏幕,因此具有内在的优势:要提高工作效率,只需添加一台显示器即可。
But what if you want more than one screen hooked up to your notebook at once? What if your laptop lacks a bunch of external video ports? What if you’re travelling, and you can’t lug around a full-sized monitor? Don’t worry, you still have more options than you might think.
但是,如果您想一次将多个屏幕连接到笔记本上,该怎么办? 如果您的笔记本电脑缺少一堆外部视频端口怎么办? 如果您在旅途中却无法随身携带全尺寸显示器怎么办? 不用担心,您还有更多选择。
新型笔记本电脑的理想解决方案:Thunderbolt (The Ideal Solution for Newer Laptops: Thunderbolt)
Thunderbolt 3, which uses the new USB Type-C connector standard, is the newest way for laptops and tablets to output video. The advantages are obvious: a single cable can handle video, audio, standard data transmission (for external hard drives or a wired Internet connection) and power, all at the same time. Not only does this reduce clutter on your desk—assuming you have the hardware to take advantage of it, of course—it means laptops can be made smaller and thinner by consolidating ports.
使用新的USB Type-C连接器标准的Thunderbolt 3是笔记本电脑和平板电脑输出视频的最新方式。 优势显而易见:一根电缆可以同时处理视频,音频,标准数据传输(用于外部硬盘驱动器或有线Internet连接) 和电源。 当然,这不仅减少了桌面上的混乱情况-当然,假设您有硬件可以利用它-这意味着通过合并端口可以使笔记本电脑更小,更薄。
So, if you have a laptop with Thunderbolt 3 and a Thunderbolt-capable monitor, this is by far the best solution. You can just hook up each monitor to one Thunderbolt/USB-C port.
因此,如果您的笔记本电脑配备Thunderbolt 3和支持Thunderbolt的显示器,那么这是迄今为止最好的解决方案。 您只需将每个显示器连接到一个Thunderbolt / USB-C端口即可。
However, it’s rarely that simple. Unless you have a very new laptop and very new monitors, you’ll probably need a bit more to make this work:
但是,它很少那么简单。 除非您拥有一台非常新的笔记本电脑和显示器,否则您可能还需要更多才能完成此工作:
If you have a laptop with multiple Thunderbolt/USB-C ports but older monitors that don’t have Thunderbolt input, you’ll need some sort of adapter for each monitor, like this USB-C to HDMI or this USB-C to DVI adapter. Remember, you’ll need one adapter for each monitor you’re connecting.
如果您的笔记本电脑具有多个Thunderbolt / USB-C端口,但是较旧的显示器没有Thunderbolt输入,则每个显示器都需要某种适配器,例如从USB-C到HDMI或从USB-C到DVI的适配器适配器。 请记住,要连接的每台显示器都需要一个适配器。
If your laptop only has one Thunderbolt/USB-C port, you’ll likely need some sort of docking station to connect two monitors to one port. We recommend checking out this Dell Thunderbolt Dock, though there are others out there as well. Note that some laptops, like the small one-port MacBook, do not support running multiple displays from one port using these docks, so check your laptop’s specifications, and if you’re going to try a dock, buy from a store with a good return policy in case it doesn’t work.
如果您的笔记本电脑只有一个Thunderbolt / USB-C端口,则可能需要某种扩展坞才能将两个显示器连接到一个端口。 我们建议您检阅此Dell Thunderbolt坞站 ,尽管那里也有其他人。 请注意,某些笔记本电脑(例如小型单端口MacBook)不支持使用这些扩展坞在一个端口上运行多个显示器,因此请检查您的笔记本电脑的规格,如果要尝试使用扩展坞,请在商店购买具有良好功能的商店。退货政策,以防万一。
Thunderbolt has a massive amount of video bandwidth, and it’s more that capable of supporting multiple standard monitors (the new Macbook Pros can output to two 5K displays at once, so long as you have the right adapters). Specialized adapters—basically mini-laptop docks—are designed for the purpose of regular docking to a multi-monitor setup with mice, keyboard, and other connections.
雷雳(Thunderbolt)具有大量的视频带宽,并且其能力还足以支持多个标准显示器(只要您有合适的适配器,新的Macbook Pro即可一次输出到两个5K显示器)。 专门的适配器(基本上是微型笔记本电脑扩展坞)设计用于定期通过鼠标,键盘和其他连接扩展坞到多显示器设置。
Once USB-C and Thunderbolt become more common on laptops and monitors, it’ll be the best option around for connecting to just about any kind of video output. That may take a while, since some manufacturers (like Microsoft) seem oddly hesitant to adopt the standard.
一旦USB-C和Thunderbolt在笔记本电脑和显示器上变得更加普遍,它将成为连接几乎所有类型的视频输出的最佳选择。 这可能需要一段时间,因为某些制造商( 例如Microsoft )似乎奇怪地犹豫了采用该标准。
对于大多数较旧的笔记本电脑:获取显示分配器盒 (For Most Older Laptops: Get a Display Splitter Box)
If you have an even slightly older laptop, it probably doesn’t have Thunderbolt/USB-C, instead sporting a VGA, DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort port. This will let you easily add an external monitor, but if you want to connect two, things get more complicated.
如果您有一台稍旧的笔记本电脑,则可能没有Thunderbolt / USB-C,而是使用VGA,DVI,HDMI或DisplayPort端口。 这将使您轻松添加外部监视器,但是如果要连接两个外部监视器,事情将变得更加复杂。
Most laptops only have a single video-out option, with a rare few (like some of Lenovo’s ThinkPad line or older Macbook Pros) offering multiple ports. It’s sometimes possible to use two ports at once for multiple external monitors, but this is rare, as manufacturers tend to expect you to use your laptop’s screen and a monitor together.
大多数笔记本电脑只有一个视频输出选项,很少有笔记本电脑(例如某些Lenovo的ThinkPad系列或较旧的Macbook Pro)提供多个端口。 有时可以一次将两个端口用于多个外部显示器,但这很少见,因为制造商倾向于期望您将笔记本电脑的屏幕和显示器一起使用。
So you’ll likely have to turn to a third-party solution, like the Matrox line of dual- and triple-head docks, which use a single video cable to output to multiple monitors. These are a bit expensive, but they’re probably the best solution for most people. Just keep in mind that they’ll be limited by your laptop’s graphics card, so if you have integrated graphics, don’t expect to run a bunch of 4K displays without problems.
因此,您可能不得不求助于第三方解决方案,例如Matrox系列的双头和三头扩展坞 ,它使用一根视频电缆将其输出到多台显示器。 这些有点贵,但是对于大多数人来说,它们可能是最好的解决方案。 请记住,它们将受到笔记本电脑显卡的限制,因此,如果您具有集成的显卡,则不要指望能毫无问题地运行4K显示器。
便宜但不那么理想的选择:USB适配器 (A Cheaper, but Less-Than-Ideal Option: USB Adapters)
If those multi-port docking stations are just too much money for you, there is a cheaper option. While older versions of the Universal Serial Bus standard weren’t designed to handle video-out, since version 2.0 companies have made handy adapters that can turn any USB port into a monitor-out port—like this USB-to-HDMI adapter from Cable Matters. The vast majority of these adapters are using Intel’s DisplayLink technology.
如果这些多端口扩展坞对您来说太多了,那么还有一个更便宜的选择。 尽管旧版本的通用串行总线标准不是为处理视频输出而设计的,但由于2.0版公司已经制造了方便的适配器,可以将任何USB端口变成监视器输出端口,例如Cable的USB-HDMI适配器事项 。 这些适配器中的绝大多数都使用Intel的DisplayLink技术 。
This option has a lot of advantages. Not only is it an easy way to get video-out on almost any modern Windows or macOS machine, it’s inexpensive, portable, and expandable. It’s possible, at least technically, to add as many monitors as your laptop has USB ports in this fashion.
此选项有很多优点。 这不仅是在几乎所有现代Windows或macOS机器上输出视频的简便方法,而且价格便宜,可移植且可扩展。 至少在技术上,可以以此方式添加与笔记本电脑具有USB端口的显示器一样多的显示器。
However, USB video-out adapters basically function as their own low-power graphics cards, and they have a bigger hit on system resources like processor cycles and RAM than a standard external display. Most laptops will start to show serious performance issues if you try to add two or more monitors in this fashion. For quick and cheap multiple monitor setups, it’s best to combine your laptop’s own screen, one monitor attached with HDMI/DisplayPort/DVI, and one on a USB adapter.
但是,USB视频输出适配器基本上可以用作其自身的低功耗图形卡,与标准的外接显示器相比,它们对系统资源(如处理器周期和RAM)的影响更大。 如果您尝试以此方式添加两个或更多显示器,大多数笔记本电脑将开始显示严重的性能问题。 为了快速,廉价地设置多个显示器,最好将笔记本电脑自己的屏幕,一台连接HDMI / DisplayPort / DVI的显示器和一台通过USB适配器连接的显示器组合在一起。
适用于商务和游戏笔记本电脑的半永久性解决方案:扩展坞 (A Semi-Permanent Solution for Business and Gaming Laptops: Docking Stations)
We covered this briefly under Thunderbolt, but a docking station is a popular alternative to multiple adapters for power users. These gadgets usually aren’t made for specific laptop or tablet models unless they’re explicitly business-oriented; examples include Dell’s Latitude line, Lenovo ThinkPads, and Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablets. USB-only alternatives are available, but generally less powerful—more expensive options offer more flexible video ports. A model-specific expansion dock with multiple video outputs might do if you want to keep your laptop mobile with the minimum amount of setup and teardown time at your desk.
我们在Thunderbolt下简要介绍了这一点,但是扩展坞是供高级用户使用的多个适配器的流行替代方案。 这些小配件通常不是针对特定的笔记本电脑或平板电脑型号制造的,除非它们明确面向业务。 例如,戴尔的Latitude系列,联想ThinkPads和微软的Surface Pro平板电脑。 只能使用USB替代产品,但通常功能不那么强大-昂贵的选件提供了更灵活的视频端口。 如果要使笔记本电脑保持移动状态,同时在桌面上设置和拆卸时间最少,则可以使用具有多个视频输出的特定于型号的扩展坞。
A more specialized version of this idea is the external graphics card. These gadgets are really cool, because they let you hook up a full desktop-class GPU to a laptop and output to as many monitors as that card can support—usually three or four, for the mid-range options from NVIDIA and ATI.
这种想法的一个更专业的版本是外部图形卡 。 这些小工具非常酷,因为它们使您可以将完整的台式机级GPU连接到笔记本电脑,并输出到该卡可以支持的尽可能多的显示器(通常是NVIDIA和ATI的中档选项,通常为三到四个)。
This external housing holds a graphics card and its own power supply, outputting to as many monitors as the desktop GPU can support. 该外部外壳装有图形卡和其自己的电源,可输出到台式机GPU可以支持的尽可能多的监视器。
Unfortunately, these are both limited (typically restricted to only a few models of laptop from a single manufacturer like Razer) and expensive, with docks costing $300 or more without the card that goes into them. They also require a USB 3.0 or ThunderBolt port to operate. External GPUs should become a more viable option in the future, but for the time being most consumers can only use them if they’re prepared to buy a whole new laptop and a dock and a graphics card at the same time, a $2000 investment on the low end.
不幸的是,这些产品既有限(通常仅限于Razer等单一制造商提供的几种型号的笔记本电脑),而且价格昂贵, 没有底座的扩展坞价格为300美元或更高。 它们还需要USB 3.0或ThunderBolt端口才能运行。 外部GPU将来将成为一种更可行的选择,但目前大多数消费者只有在准备同时购买一台全新笔记本电脑,扩展坞和图形卡的情况下才可以使用它们,这笔投资为$ 2000低端。
Image Credits: Matrox, Dell, Lenovo, Apple, Asus, Amazon
图片来源: Matrox , Dell , Lenovo , Apple , Asus , Amazon
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306237/how-to-use-mulitple-external-monitors-with-your-laptop/