如何在Windows 8或10中管理启动应用程序
Many apps include a component that starts along with Windows. These startup apps can be useful, but they can also slow boot time and use up system resources. Here’s how to get them under control.
许多应用程序都包含一个与Windows一起启动的组件。 这些启动应用程序可能有用,但是它们也可能减慢启动时间并消耗系统资源。 这是控制它们的方法。
Windows has long provided tools for managing startup apps. In Windows Vista and 7, you had to dig into tools like Msconfig—which is powerful if a little clunky to use. Windows 8 and 10 include an interface for managing startup apps in a location that makes more sense: Task Manager. Of course, none of these tools let you add things to Windows startup, but if you need to do that, we also have a guide for adding programs, files, and folders to your system startup.
Windows长期以来一直提供用于管理启动应用程序的工具。 在Windows Vista和7中 ,您必须深入研究Msconfig之类的工具-如果使用起来有些笨拙,该工具将非常强大。 Windows 8和10包括一个界面,用于在更有意义的位置管理启动应用程序:任务管理器。 当然,这些工具都不会让您向Windows启动添加东西,但是如果需要这样做,我们还提供了有关向系统启动添加程序,文件和文件夹的指南。
NOTE: Managing startup apps only applies to desktop applications. Universal apps (those you get through the Windows Store) are not allowed to start automatically when Windows starts.
注意:管理启动应用程序仅适用于桌面应用程序。 Windows启动时, 通用应用程序 (您通过Windows应用商店获得的应用程序 )将不会自动启动。
There are several ways of accessing the Task Manager. Perhaps the easiest is to right-click any open space on the taskbar, and then select “Task Manager” from the context menu.
有几种访问任务管理器的方法 。 也许最简单的方法是右键单击任务栏上的任何空白区域,然后从上下文菜单中选择“任务管理器”。
If it’s the first time you’ve ever opened Task Manager, it automatically opens in compact mode—listing only what programs are running. To access the additional features of Task Manager, click the down arrow button next to “More Details.”
如果这是您第一次打开任务管理器,它将自动以紧凑模式打开-仅列出正在运行的程序。 要访问任务管理器的其他功能,请单击“更多详细信息”旁边的向下箭头按钮。
In the Task Manager window, switch to the “Startup” tab. This tab displays all apps that start with Windows, along with details like the publisher of the app, whether the app is currently enabled, and how much of an impact the app has on Windows startup. That last metric is just a measurement of how long it takes the app to start.
在“任务管理器”窗口中,切换到“启动”选项卡。 该选项卡显示所有以Windows开头的应用程序,以及诸如应用程序的发布者,当前是否启用了该应用程序以及该应用程序对Windows启动有多大影响之类的详细信息。 最后一个指标只是应用程序启动所需时间的度量。
Before you start disabling apps, it’s worth doing a little research on what the startup app does. Some startup apps are necessary for the correct operation of the operating system or programs that you use. Fortunately, Task Manager makes this easy.
在开始禁用应用程序之前,值得对启动应用程序的功能进行一些研究。 某些启动应用程序对于正确使用您所使用的操作系统或程序是必需的。 幸运的是,任务管理器使此操作变得容易。
Right-click any app and then choose “Search Online” to perform a web search with keywords that include both the full name of the app and the name of the underlying file. For example, when I perform an online search for PicPick (my image editor), it performs a search for “picpick.exe PicPick.”
右键单击任何应用程序,然后选择“在线搜索”以使用包含应用程序全名和基础文件名的关键字执行网络搜索。 例如,当我在线搜索PicPick(我的图像编辑器)时,它将搜索“ picpick.exe PicPick”。
When you’re sure you want to prevent an app from starting with Windows, right-click the app and select “Disable” on the context menu.
You can also select the app and click the “Disable button” at the bottom right of the window.
![Image 1][]
Note that when you disable a startup app, Windows does not stop the app from running immediately. It only prevents it from running automatically. When you’re done disabling apps, go ahead and close Task Manager. The next time you restart your computer, the apps you disabled won’t start along with Windows.
请注意,当您禁用启动应用程序时,Windows不会阻止该应用程序立即运行。 它只会阻止它自动运行。 完成禁用应用程序后,继续并关闭任务管理器。 下次重新启动计算机时,禁用的应用程序将不会与Windows一起启动。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/162446/how-to-manage-startup-applications-in-windows-8/
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