If you have an iPhone or an iPad with cellular connectivity, you can share its Internet connection with any of your other Apple devices without having to jump through hoops. It’s a little-known feature, and we’re about to blow your mind.
如果您拥有具有蜂窝连接功能的iPhone或iPad,则可以与其他任何Apple设备共享其Internet连接,而不必跳了圈。 这是一个鲜为人知的功能,我们将打击您。
Everyone already knows all about Personal Hotspot, a feature that allows a device to share an iPhone or cellular iPad’s internet connection with any device—just like tethering in the olden days. While that is pretty convenient, it’s not as good as the feature we’re talking about today: Instant Hotspot. Thanks to Instant Hotspot, you can connect to your iPhone or cellular iPad as if it were any other Wi-Fi connection, and you don’t even need to turn Personal Hotspot on to do it.
每个人都已经了解了Personal Hotspot,该功能使设备可以与任何设备共享iPhone或蜂窝iPad的Internet连接,就像过去的网络共享一样。 尽管这很方便,但是它不如我们今天要谈论的功能:即时热点。 多亏了Instant Hotspot,您可以像连接其他Wi-Fi连接一样连接到iPhone或蜂窝iPad,甚至不需要打开Personal Hotspot即可。
你需要什么 (What You Need)
There are some prerequisites for using Instant Hotspot:
Your iPhone or cellular iPad needs to be activated and connected to a cellular plan that supports tethering. Most do, but if you experience issues, this might be the culprit. You may also have to pay for this as a separate service, depending on your carrier and plan.
您的iPhone或蜂窝iPad需要被激活并连接到支持网络共享的蜂窝计划。 大多数都可以,但是如果遇到问题,这可能是罪魁祸首。 您可能还需要单独支付此费用,具体取决于您的运营商和计划。
Each device involved needs to have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled.
All devices need to be signed into iCloud using the same Apple ID.
所有设备都需要使用相同的Apple ID登录到iCloud。
Assuming all as it should be, you’re good to go. There is zero configuration required on your part, and contrary to popular belief you don’t even need to have Personal Hotspot active on your iPhone or cellular iPad to have this work. Both devices just need to meet the requirements we outlined above, and be close enough together to communicate.
假设一切正常,您就可以开始了。 您所需的配置为零,并且与流行的看法相反,您甚至不需要在iPhone或蜂窝iPad上激活“个人热点”即可进行此工作。 两种设备都只需要满足我们上面概述的要求,并且距离足够近即可通信。
允许iPad共享iPhone或移动iPad的Internet连接 (Allow an iPad to Share an iPhone’s or Cellular iPad’s Internet Connection)
Before we get started, make sure that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are enabled on both devices—this is the part that trips most people up, so it’s worth checking before moving on.
When that’s taken care of, open the Settings app and tap the “W-Fi” option. Next, tap the name of the device that you want to connect to. In the case of our screenshot, we’re connecting to “Oliver’s iPhone.”
解决后,请打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ W-Fi”选项。 接下来,点击您要连接的设备的名称。 对于我们的屏幕截图,我们正在连接到“ Oliver的iPhone”。
Once you tap on the iPhone or iPad, a connection is established, and your iPad will have wireless, instant access to the Internet.
允许Mac共享iPhone或移动iPad的Internet连接 (Allow a Mac to Share an iPhone’s or Cellular iPad’s Internet Connection)
Again, Personal Hotspot does not need to be activated when connecting a Mac to an iPhone or cellular iPad. To establish the connection, click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar and then click the name of the device whose internet connection you wish to share. We’re using “Oliver’s iPhone” in our screenshot.
同样,将Mac连接到iPhone或移动iPad时不需要激活Personal Hotspot。 要建立连接,请单击菜单栏中的Wi-Fi图标,然后单击要共享其互联网连接的设备的名称。 我们在屏幕截图中使用的是“ Oliver的iPhone”。
Once you tap on the iPhone or iPad, a connection will be established, and your iPad will be good to go.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/397133/how-to-use-instant-hotspot-on-your-iphone-ipad-or-mac/