linux iso 挂载_在Linux上挂载ISO映像
linux iso 挂载
This page will explain how you can use ISO image files in Linux.
必备模块 (Prerequisite Module)
You’ll have to make sure that the loop module is loaded before you can use this feature.
sudo modprobe loop
挂载CD ISO映像 (Mount a CD ISO Image)
We’ll use the regular mount command to mount the ISO image into a folder, just like you would do with a regular drive. The difference is that we pass the -o loop command to specify the loop module, which can handle ISO images.
就像使用普通驱动器一样,我们将使用常规mount命令将ISO映像装入文件夹。 区别在于,我们传递-o loop命令来指定可以处理ISO映像的循环模块。
sudo mount filename.iso /media/iso -t iso9660 -o loop
Of course you should make sure that you have created the /media/iso folder ahead of time.
当然,您应该确保提前创建了/ media / iso文件夹。
挂载DVD ISO映像 (Mount a DVD ISO Image)
When mounting ISO images of DVDs, you might have to use the UDF type instead of ISO.
sudo mount filename.iso /media/iso -t udf -o loop
在Gnome中挂载ISO映像 (Mount an ISO Image in Gnome)
todo: Explain how to use the gnome scripts to mount images.
无需挂载即可打开ISO映像 (Open an ISO Image Without Mounting)
todo: Explain how you’ll be able to open the file without actually mounting it.
linux iso 挂载