windows 预装应用_在预装的Windows Vista计算机上安装Windows XP
windows 预装应用
The question I am asked most often is “How do I install a dual-boot with Windows XP on my new Windows Vista computer?” The answer is that it’s not that difficult, it’s just very time consuming, and you need to own a copy of Windows XP.
我最常被问到的问题是“如何在新的Windows Vista计算机上使用Windows XP安装双重引导?” 答案是,这并不困难,只是非常耗时,并且您需要拥有Windows XP的副本。
Note that you should not attempt this if you aren’t ready to troubleshoot any problems that might occur.
The first issue we encounter is that computers with pre-installed operating systems take up the entire drive. Luckily Microsoft included the Shrink volume feature in Vista, so we can easily shrink the Vista partition down to make room for XP.
我们遇到的第一个问题是具有预安装操作系统的计算机会占用整个驱动器。 幸运的是,Microsoft在Vista中包含了“ 收缩卷”功能,因此我们可以轻松地缩小Vista分区以为XP腾出空间。
Open the Computer Management panel, which you can find under Administrative tools or by right-clicking the Computer item in the start menu and choosing Manage. Find the Disk Management item in the list and select that.
打开“计算机管理”面板,您可以在“管理工具”下找到该面板,也可以右键单击开始菜单中的“计算机”项,然后选择“管理”。 在列表中找到“磁盘管理”项,然后选择它。
Now we’ll shrink our volume down by right-clicking on the main hard drive and choosing Shrink Volume.
Now you can choose the size that you want to shrink, which really means you are choosing the size that you want your XP partition to be. Whatever you do, don’t just use the default. I chose roughly 10gb by entering 10000 into the amount.
现在,您可以选择要缩小的大小,这实际上意味着您正在选择XP分区要使用的大小。 无论您做什么,都不要只使用默认值。 通过在金额中输入10000,我选择了大约10gb。
The next step might be confusing, because we need to change the cd-rom drive that’s invariably taking up D: at the moment, because we want to use D: for the Windows XP partition, but it’s already taken by the cd-rom drive. If you skip this step than XP will install onto the E: drive, which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s not quite as tidy.
下一步可能会造成混淆,因为我们现在需要更改总是占用D:的cd-rom驱动器,因为我们要对Windows XP分区使用D :,但是它已经被cd-rom驱动器占用了。 如果您跳过此步骤,XP将会安装到E:驱动器上,这还不是末日之事,但还不够整洁。
Right-click on the cd-rom drive in the list and choose Change Drive Letter and Paths from the menu.
Now we’ll change the CD drive to use E: by selecting that in the drop-down.
Now we can create a new partition for XP to live on and make sure that the drive letter is set the way we want. If you do not create a partition now the XP install will do so automatically, but it’s easier and cleaner to do it this way.
现在我们可以为XP创建一个新的分区以继续使用,并确保将驱动器号设置为我们想要的方式。 如果您现在不创建分区,则XP安装将自动创建分区,但是这样做更容易,更清洁。
Right-click on the Unallocated free space area and then select New Simple Volume from the menu.
Follow through the wizard and select whatever options you’d like, making sure to use D: as the drive letter.
Now you will need to close out of disk management and reboot your computer. This is because we can’t do the next step until we reboot. (you can try, but it won’t work)
现在,您将需要退出磁盘管理并重新启动计算机。 这是因为直到重新启动我们才能进行下一步。 (您可以尝试,但不起作用)
So we’ve come back from rebooting… open up Computer from the start menu and then right-click on the D: drive and select properties. Give your partition a meaningful name like “XP”. It would be wise to name the C: drive to “Vista” at this point as well.
因此,我们从重新启动回来了……从开始菜单中打开计算机,然后右键单击D:驱动器并选择属性。 给您的分区一个有意义的名称,例如“ XP”。 最好在此时将C:驱动器命名为“ Vista”。
Now you’ll want to pop your XP cd into the drive and boot off it. You may have to configure your BIOS to enable booting off the CD drive, or if your computer says something like “Hit Esc for boot menu” you might want to use that.
现在,您需要将XP cd弹出驱动器并启动。 您可能必须配置BIOS才能启用CD驱动器引导,或者如果计算机上显示“ Hit Esc for boot menu”(命中Esc作为引导菜单)之类的信息,则可能需要使用它。
Once you come to the screen where you can choose the partition to install on, then choose either the unpartitioned space or the new partition you created. Whatever you do, don’t try and install onto your Vista partition! See how much cleaner it is now that we’ve labeled each partition distinctly?
进入屏幕后,您可以选择要安装的分区,然后选择未分区的空间或创建的新分区。 无论您做什么,都不要尝试安装到Vista分区上! 看看现在我们为每个分区分别标记了多少清洁程度?
We’ll assume XP is completely installed at this point, and you will have lost your ability to boot into Windows Vista, so we’ll need to use the VistaBootPro utility to restore the Vista boot loader.
我们假设此时XP已完全安装,并且您将失去启动Windows Vista的能力,因此我们将需要使用VistaBootPro实用程序来还原Vista引导加载程序。
Update: VistaBootPro is no longer free, but you can still download the free version.
更新: VistaBootPro不再免费,但是您仍然可以下载免费版本 。
During the install you’ll be forced to install the .NET 2.0 framework. Open up VistaBootPRO and then click on the System Bootloader tab. Check the “Windows Vista Bootloader” and then “All Drives” radio buttons, and then click on the Install Bootloader button.
在安装过程中,您将不得不安装.NET 2.0框架。 打开VistaBootPRO,然后单击“系统引导程序”选项卡。 选中“ Windows Vista Bootloader”,然后选中“所有驱动器”单选按钮,然后单击“安装Bootloader”按钮。
At this point, the Windows Vista bootloader is installed and you’ll only be able to boot into Vista, but we’ll fix that. Instead of manually doing the work, we’ll just click the Diagnostics menu item and then choose Run Diagnostics from the menu.
至此,已经安装了Windows Vista引导加载程序,您将只能引导到Vista,但我们将对其进行修复。 无需手动执行工作,我们只需单击“诊断”菜单项,然后从菜单中选择“运行诊断”。
This will scan your computer and then automatically fill in the XP version.. click on the “Manage OS Entries” tab and then click in the textbox for Rename OS Entry, and name it something useful like “Windows XP” or “The Windows That Works”
这将扫描您的计算机,然后自动填写XP版本。.单击“管理OS条目”选项卡,然后在文本框中单击“重命名OS条目”,并将其命名为“ Windows XP”或“ Windows That作品”
Click the Apply Updates button and then reboot your computer… you should see your shiny new boot manager with both operating systems in the list!
If you get an error saying “unable to find ntldr” when trying to boot XP, you’ll need to do the following:
Find the hidden files ntldr and in the root of your Vista drive and copy them to the root of your XP drive.
If you can’t find the files there, you can find them in the \i386\ folder on your XP install cd
如果找不到文件,则可以在XP安装CD的\ i386 \文件夹中找到它们。
There’s more information on this forum thread, thanks to nrv1013
This is a critical piece of information: Windows XP will be installed on the D: drive, even in Windows XP… so you’ll need to keep that in mind when tweaking your system.
这是一条至关重要的信息:Windows XP将安装在D:驱动器上,即使在Windows XP中也是如此…因此,在调整系统时,需要牢记这一点。
You can share information between the drives, but I wouldn’t recommend messing with the other operating system’s partition too much… it might get angry and bite you. Or screw up your files. What I do recommend is that you store most of your files on a third drive shared between the operating systems… you could call that partition “Data”.
您可以在驱动器之间共享信息,但是我不建议您过多地与其他操作系统的分区打交道,否则可能会惹怒您,并咬伤您。 或搞砸您的文件。 我建议您将大多数文件存储在操作系统之间共享的第三个驱动器上……您可以将该分区称为“数据”。
I’m going to write a number of followup articles dealing with all of the issues with dual-boot systems, so subscribe to the feed for updates.
If you have issues with your dual-boot system, I’d recommend creating a new topic in our Computer Help forum, and we’ll try and help you.
如果您的双引导系统有问题,建议您在“计算机帮助”论坛中创建一个新主题 ,我们将尽力为您提供帮助。
If you have issues with using the shrink volume feature, check this article for some tips.
如果您在使用缩小量功能时遇到问题, 请查看本文以获取一些提示。
windows 预装应用