Jayway JsonPath介绍

绝地灬酷狼 2021-06-22 15:38 513阅读 0赞



XPath JSONPath Description
/ $ the root object/element
. @ the current object/element
/ . or [] child operator
.. n/a parent operator
// .. recursive descent. JSONPath borrows this syntax from E4X.
wildcard. All objects/elements regardless their names.
@ n/a attribute access. JSON structures don’t have attributes.
[] [] subscript operator. XPath uses it to iterate over element collections and for predicates. In Javascript and JSON it is the native array operator.
| [,] Union operator in XPath results in a combination of node sets. JSONPath allows alternate names or array indices as a set.
n/a [start:end:step] array slice operator borrowed from ES4.
[] ?() applies a filter (script) expression.
n/a () script expression, using the underlying script engine.
() n/a grouping in Xpath

Jayway JsonPath是Stefan Goessner JsonPath 的java版本实现,

  • github:https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath
  • 在线工具:http://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/

Jayway JsonPath功能介绍

1、JsonPath 表达式可以用 . 或者 [] 表示:

  1. $.store.book[0].title
  2. 或者
  3. $['store']['book'][0]['title']


Operator Description
$ The root element to query. This starts all path expressions.
@ The current node being processed by a filter predicate.
* Wildcard. Available anywhere a name or numeric are required.
.. Deep scan. Available anywhere a name is required.
.<name> Dot-notated child
[‘<name>’ (, ‘<name>’)] Bracket-notated child or children
[<number> (, <number>)] Array index or indexes
[start:end] Array slice operator
[?(<expression>)] Filter expression. Expression must evaluate to a boolean value.


Function Description Output
min() Provides the min value of an array of numbers Double
max() Provides the max value of an array of numbers Double
avg() Provides the average value of an array of numbers Double
stddev() Provides the standard deviation value of an array of numbers Double
length() Provides the length of an array Integer
sum() Provides the sum value of an array of numbers Double


Operator Description
== left is equal to right (note that 1 is not equal to ‘1’)
!= left is not equal to right
< left is less than right
<= left is less or equal to right
> left is greater than right
>= left is greater than or equal to right
=~ left matches regular expression [?(@.name =~ /foo.*?/i)]
in left exists in right [?(@.size in [‘S’, ‘M’])]
nin left does not exists in right
subsetof left is a subset of right [?(@.sizes subsetof [‘S’, ‘M’, ‘L’])]
anyof left has an intersection with right [?(@.sizes anyof [‘M’, ‘L’])]
noneof left has no intersection with right [?(@.sizes noneof [‘M’, ‘L’])]
size size of left (array or string) should match right
empty left (array or string) should be empty


  1. {
  2. "store": {
  3. "book": [
  4. {
  5. "category": "reference",
  6. "author": "Nigel Rees",
  7. "title": "Sayings of the Century",
  8. "price": 8.95
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "category": "fiction",
  12. "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
  13. "title": "Sword of Honour",
  14. "price": 12.99
  15. },
  16. {
  17. "category": "fiction",
  18. "author": "Herman Melville",
  19. "title": "Moby Dick",
  20. "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
  21. "price": 8.99
  22. },
  23. {
  24. "category": "fiction",
  25. "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
  26. "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
  27. "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
  28. "price": 22.99
  29. }
  30. ],
  31. "bicycle": {
  32. "color": "red",
  33. "price": 19.95
  34. }
  35. },
  36. "expensive": 10
  37. }


JsonPath (click link to try) Result
$.store.book[].author The authors of all books
$..author All authors
<a href=”http://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/?path=$.store.“ rel=”nofollow”>$.store. All things, both books and bicycles
$.store..price The price of everything
$..book[2] The third book
$..book[-2] The second to last book
$..book[0,1] The first two books
$..book[:2] All books from index 0 (inclusive) until index 2 (exclusive)
$..book[1:2] All books from index 1 (inclusive) until index 2 (exclusive)
$..book[-2:] Last two books
$..book[2:] Book number two from tail
$..book[?(@.isbn)] All books with an ISBN number
$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)] All books in store cheaper than 10
$..book[?(@.price <= $[‘expensive’])] All books in store that are not “expensive”
<a href=”http://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/?path=$..book%5B?%28@.author%20=~%20/.REES/i%29%5D” rel=”nofollow”>$..book[?(@.author =~ /.REES/i)] All books matching regex (ignore case)
<a href=”http://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/?path=$..“ rel=”nofollow”>$..* Give me every thing
$..book.length() The number of books

Jayway JsonPath使用


  1. String json = "...";
  2. List<String> authors = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[*].author");


  1. String json = "...";
  2. Object document = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(json);
  3. String author0 = JsonPath.read(document, "$.store.book[0].author");
  4. String author1 = JsonPath.read(document, "$.store.book[1].author");


  1. String json = "...";
  2. ReadContext ctx = JsonPath.parse(json);
  3. List<String> authorsOfBooksWithISBN = ctx.read("$.store.book[?(@.isbn)].author");



  1. //Will throw an java.lang.ClassCastException
  2. List<String> list = JsonPath.parse(json).read("$.store.book[0].author")
  3. //Works fine
  4. String author = JsonPath.parse(json).read("$.store.book[0].author")


  • .. :全局匹配
  • ?() : 过滤表达式
  • [, (, )] :多索引


默认情况下,MappingProvider SPI提供了一个简单的对象映射器,当指定所需的返回类型时,MappingProvider将尝试执行映射。例如下面示例演示了Long和Date之间的映射。

  1. String json = "{\"date_as_long\" : 1411455611975}";
  2. Date date = JsonPath.parse(json).read("$['date_as_long']", Date.class);


  1. Configuration conf = Configuration.builder()
  2. .jsonProvider(new GsonJsonProvider())
  3. .build();
  4. Book book = JsonPath.using(conf).parse(json).read("$.store.book[0]", Book.class);


  1. TypeRef<List<String>> typeRef = new TypeRef<List<String>>() {};
  2. List<String> titles = JsonPath.parse(JSON_DOCUMENT).read("$.store.book[*].title", typeRef);


  1. [
  2. {
  3. "name" : "john",
  4. "gender" : "male"
  5. },
  6. {
  7. "name" : "ben"
  8. }
  9. ]



  1. Configuration conf = Configuration.defaultConfiguration();
  2. //Works fine
  3. String gender0 = JsonPath.using(conf).parse(json).read("$[0]['gender']");
  4. //PathNotFoundException thrown
  5. String gender1 = JsonPath.using(conf).parse(json).read("$[1]['gender']");
  6. Configuration conf2 = conf.addOptions(Option.DEFAULT_PATH_LEAF_TO_NULL);
  7. //Works fine
  8. String gender0 = JsonPath.using(conf2).parse(json).read("$[0]['gender']");
  9. //Works fine (null is returned)
  10. String gender1 = JsonPath.using(conf2).parse(json).read("$[1]['gender']");



  1. Configuration conf = Configuration.defaultConfiguration();
  2. //ClassCastException thrown
  3. List<String> genders0 = JsonPath.using(conf).parse(json).read("$[0]['gender']");
  4. Configuration conf2 = conf.addOptions(Option.ALWAYS_RETURN_LIST);
  5. //Works fine
  6. List<String> genders0 = JsonPath.using(conf2).parse(json).read("$[0]['gender']");


默认Jayway JsonPath在执行jsonPath时会报错异常,配置后异常将被抑制。

  • 如果同时指定ALWAYS_RETURN_LIST:返回空list;
  • 没有制定ALWAYS_RETURN_LIST is NOT:返回null;


禁止通配符,比如 $[*].b,会抛出 PathNotFoundException 异常。



  1. Configuration conf = Configuration.builder()
  2. .options(Option.AS_PATH_LIST).build();
  3. List<String> pathList = using(conf).parse(json).read("$..author");
  4. assertThat(pathList).containsExactly(
  5. "$['store']['book'][0]['author']",
  6. "$['store']['book'][1]['author']",
  7. "$['store']['book'][2]['author']",
  8. "$['store']['book'][3]['author']");


  1. String newJson = JsonPath.parse(json).set("$['store']['book'][0]['author']", "Paul").jsonString();


主要是filter predicate。有很多种方法实现,例如:

1)Inline Predicates

  1. List<Map<String, Object>> books = JsonPath.parse(json)
  2. .read("$.store.book[?(@.price < 10)]");
  3. /**
  4. *You can use && and || to combine multiple predicates [?(@.price < 10 && @.category == *'fiction')] , [?(@.category == 'reference' || @.price > 10)].
  5. *
  6. *You can use ! to negate a predicate [?(!(@.price < 10 && @.category == 'fiction'))].
  7. */

2)filter predicates:

  1. import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.parse;
  2. import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Criteria.where;
  3. import static com.jayway.jsonpath.Filter.filter;
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. Filter cheapFictionFilter = filter(
  7. where("category").is("fiction").and("price").lte(10D)
  8. );
  9. List<Map<String, Object>> books =
  10. parse(json).read("$.store.book[?]", cheapFictionFilter);
  11. //Filters can also be combined with 'OR' and 'AND'
  12. Filter fooOrBar = filter(
  13. where("foo").exists(true)).or(where("bar").exists(true)
  14. );
  15. Filter fooAndBar = filter(
  16. where("foo").exists(true)).and(where("bar").exists(true)
  17. );


3)Roll your own

  1. Predicate booksWithISBN = new Predicate() {
  2. @Override
  3. public boolean apply(PredicateContext ctx) {
  4. return ctx.item(Map.class).containsKey("isbn");
  5. }
  6. };
  7. List<Map<String, Object>> books =
  8. reader.read("$.store.book[?].isbn", List.class, booksWithISBN);

6、JsonProvider SPI:

Jayway JsonPath提供了一下json provider:

  • JsonSmartJsonProvider (default)
  • JacksonJsonProvider
  • JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider
  • GsonJsonProvider
  • JsonOrgJsonProvider

    Configuration.setDefaults(new Configuration.Defaults() {

    1. private final JsonProvider jsonProvider = new JacksonJsonProvider();
    2. private final MappingProvider mappingProvider = new JacksonMappingProvider();
    3. @Override
    4. public JsonProvider jsonProvider() {
    5. return jsonProvider;
    6. }
    7. @Override
    8. public MappingProvider mappingProvider() {
    9. return mappingProvider;
    10. }
    11. @Override
    12. public Set<Option> options() {
    13. return EnumSet.noneOf(Option.class);
    14. }


注:JacksonJsonProvider requires com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.4.5 and the GsonJsonProvider requires com.google.code.gson:gson:2.3.1 on your classpath.


  1. Configuration conf = Configuration.builder().options(Option.AS_PATH_LIST).build();
  2. ReadContext ctx = JsonPath.using(conf).parse(json1_schema);
  3. List<String> requiredPathList = ctx.read("$..required");
  4. for (String path : requiredPathList) {
  5. //TODO 判断required的正确性:如果requiredValueList中元素不是array则continue
  6. String replace = path.replace("$['", "").replace("']['", ",").replace("']", "");
  7. Object object = requiredValueList.get(requiredIndex);
  8. requiredIndex++;
  9. if(object instanceof net.minidev.json.JSONArray) {
  10. //System.out.println(" "+replace+","+object.toString());
  11. pathRequiredMap.put(replace, JSONArray.parseArray(object.toString()));
  12. }
  13. }

7、Cache SPI:

Jayway JsonPath提供了一下cache:

  • com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.cache.LRUCache (default, thread safe)
  • com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.cache.NOOPCache (no cache)

    CacheProvider.setCache(new Cache() {

    1. //Not thread safe simple cache
    2. private Map<String, JsonPath> map = new HashMap<String, JsonPath>();
    3. @Override
    4. public JsonPath get(String key) {
    5. return map.get(key);
    6. }
    7. @Override
    8. public void put(String key, JsonPath jsonPath) {
    9. map.put(key, jsonPath);
    10. }




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    相关 JsonPath详解


    相关 JSONPath 表达式

    JSONPath 是参照,xpath表达式来解析xml文档的方式,json数据结构通常是匿名的并且不一定需要有根元素。JSONPaht 用一个抽象的名字$来表示最外层对象。

    相关 Jayway JsonPath介绍
