相关 zabbix-server无法启动
故障现象:监控界面无数据 ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aHR0cHM6Ly
相关 zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current.
相关 zabbix server is running解决方法
配置完成后,登录浏览器查看,出现以下错误提示: zabbix server is not running,the information displayed may not
相关 yum安装zabbix-server,启动失败,提示"systemctl status zabbix-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
在CentOS7x64 7.3.1611上测试部署Zabbix 3.0.9,到启动zabbix-server服务时报错: \[root@CentOS7x64 ~\]\ s
相关 zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current
正常安装完zabbix后,登录后zabbix监控报错zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may no
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在linux上安装了mycat后,输入命令启动mycat时, [root@itcast mycat] cd /usr/local/software/mycat
相关 zabbix3.4提示zabbix server is not running
相关 Zabbix Server 和 Zabbix Agentd 开机自动运行
[Zabbix Server 和 Zabbix Agentd 开机自动运行][Zabbix Server _ Zabbix Agentd] Zabbix Server
相关 重启Zabbix Server
重启zabbix server:systemctl restart zabbix-server 启动服务 systemctl start zabbix-ser
相关 006-Zabbix agent on Zabbix server is unreachable for 5 minutes
环境描述: 环境介绍:CentOS6.5 zabbix3.2.6(zabbix客户端与服务端在一台主机) 1.在安装完zabbix之后,添加客户端,客户端配置(za